Guided Meditation

The power of Meditation and quieting the mind (even attempting to!) is going to allow you to truly tap into the Vortex and the Energy Field that is here to support you.

When we tap into this field, that's when we have the breakthroughs, the healing and the transformations and these meditations will help get you grounded in order to get there.

Click the names below to listen!


Book Recommendation

The Vortex: Where the Law of Attraction Assembles All Cooperative Relationships

I've chosen this month because Abraham was the originator of the term "The Vortex" and does a beautiful job explaining it - which you'll quickly find.   I recommend grabbing a highlighter and pen when reading to make notes and highlight key pieces.  Along with reading it once a day for just 10 minutes to really soak it in and raise those vibrations.

Click here to grab a copy and we'll be talking about it at the end of this Month for those who want to join in!


50% Complete

Two Step

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